Mimie Testimony

The word has been very effective in my life as a result of my heart being receptive to God. My experience is from my heart and has taken place from September 2, 2011 to date. When the heart is right and receptive, peace reigns in our hearts. The points below reflect the fruits the word has produced in my life.


Through obeying the word in the scriptures to humble myself, I have learned to be very submissive and undertake all duties assigned to me with a grateful heart. I have found myself in situations where I have been placed in places I could have said no, this is too degrading for me, but through the Word, I have learned to be humble and now I am able to do any kind of work anywhere, without feeling inferior because I know that I am doing everything to the glory of God.


Through the trials that I have experienced, being in a foreign land and completely away from family with nothing at all, no job and no money to see me through every day, the Word has really planted the kind of patience I have never experienced before in my life. I am living one day at a time; waking up and hoping for a miracle each day. I have learned to fully apply the Word, the scriptures, pray and wait patiently everyday for God’s revelation in my life.

I have become slow to react and very forgiving. I am more patient and very tolerant.


The Word has taken root in my heart and has filled up all the desires that I have not achieved yet. I am fulfilled even when I don’t have anything. The Word has planted confidence and I now fully believe the scripture ‘ Man Shall not live by bread alone’. I now believe that if a heart is receptive, all things are truly possible. I believe that a person cannot die if they do not have a car, money and a few sustainable things. When you turn to the Word, all worries are taken away. The Word takes over and everything, every need is taken care of. God provides. I have experienced fulfillment and to be content and happy when I have been surviving on 50 dollars the past five months. I don’t know how, but God, has given me shelter, and I have food all the time.

Never in my life had I thought that God would bring me all the way just to teach me what I have been through, but I am alive and I fully thank God and still apply the word every day. When there is faith, when the heart is right and receptive, God truly moves.

Dawn Testimony

Pastor Rodney’s evening series of the Word being sown into the hearts of men has greatly provoked and challenged me to deal with major heart issues that I have not wanted to deal with in a long time and has shown and taught me and enlightened me as to why I have not had any victory in certain areas of my life.  The scripture verses in Matthew 13:20-22 cut right to the heart of the matter and his message on it really hit home for me.

The examples he gave on these two types of hearts and ground, the stony ground and the seed among the thorns was speaking to me loud and clear. Here was my problem and now I need a solution to the problem. I now had to allow the truth to set me free which was for me was humbling myself and crucifying my flesh and admitting my heart is not right before God and to repent and get it right. I went up to the altar, felt strongly convicted and made things right with God.  A great release and peace came over me.   I had been able to finally let go in certain areas and give these problems over to God.

As a result I believe I am now finally able to start to cultivate and bear good fruit and have it not choked or have no root in me this time around. I believe I will bear good fruit as I am hearing the Word of God on a daily basis again and it will take root. It already has and it will make me take action and change and make some major adjustments in my life and heart.

George Testimony

I wanted to write a short blog on how amazing and awesome God is when you really open your eyes to all God is, and subsequently open your heart to his word and how it can take root in your life.  One may typically read or hear the parables Jesus shared and think “wow, pretty good stories and outcomes, pretty amazing.” However when your heart is open and receptive like fertile ground Gods word is sown into your heart and really takes root. You can see your life change through your perspective and interaction with situations that arise.  With me I didn’t see an overnight change in my perspective or actions, but awareness of right and wrong in areas that I may have previously seen as gray tugged at my heart. I recognized that perhaps I have been wrong in the past and that I need to be more open to adjustments in areas I didn’t previously realize. I have become acutely aware that I had been more like the seed thrown on the rock where I was filled with joy learning how God loves me and what he did for me.

I thought I learned from the word as I realized it to be the truth but then trials or tribulations would come. I would find myself losing the faith or hope that had seemed so clear and evident to me before the trial. Before I knew it I was a changed man and the fruit was obvious and not only to me but to those around me. That is another joyful benefit, blessing others with wonderful fruit. Fruit in the form of wisdom shared or uncommon kindness and love shining bright like the lamp we are called to be. Amazing results and benefits come from having a heart that is right and receptive to God. Receiving a message on the parable of the sower changes one’s life forever.

Rodney Howard Browne – Noble Testimony

Here at Ministers and Leaders Conference, the meetings have been, to put in proper wording; epic! What has been revealed in these meetings has affected my life greatly! A lot of what has been talked about when it comes to our place in America as ministers of the Gospel and as Americans is both shocking and inspiring. It’s time to fight for America and for what many fought and died for here in this country as patriots of America. The speakers have revealed things; a lot about what’s happening in America. I have already known about it and how to fight it.  Like Pastor always says: “the only way to save America is a Great Awakening”. This has a huge effect on me as a believer with the heart of a fighter and a patriot, to know that the fate of my country and those around me rely on whether or not I preach the gospel. I am believing that this is the same effect that these meetings will have on anyone who gets to be a part of them.  Still, I have to treat it like it’s all on me: if I don’t tell people about the gospel, who will?  I can’t just leave it up to someone else. I may be the only person they ever come in contact with that may share the gospel with them. As an American, I cannot sit by and let my country go down. I will not let the enemy have this country without a fight, and as a true believer in Jesus Christ I will not sit idly by and watch so many souls burn away when God has given me the key to free them.  I hope everyone under the sun is catching what Pastor is throwing in these meetings.


Rodney Howard-Browne – Sharon Testimony

I’ve been noticing the RBI students seem to be more excited about their helps ministry and their work-study. It seems like they are all excited about the Minister’s Conference coming up, also. Even in the phone center I feel an excitement. It is good to be around a positive atmosphere. When the students go on outreach and come back, they are also excited. I guess they are all getting used to the routine and knowing more about what is going on and what to expect. I really think most of them will return next year. Many of them are getting attacked by the enemy (as usual). I just pray they all press in and overcome. I am so happy to see several of the older students are still with us and made it through. I think it is more of a challenge when you are older, but I may just be prejudiced.

I noticed even the staff seems more energized for this conference. God must be about to do exceedingly above what we could ever hope or think! Our pastoral intern department is really working well together. When schedules get changed or switched around, we all pitch in where the help is needed and everything somehow gets done that needs to be done. God is so good and doing great things in us and through us. I see a maturity in our department among each of us that wasn’t there before. I feel like I grew up somewhere along the line, after all these years. I still have far to go, but I’m enjoying the process between the tears.


Rodney Howard Browne – Bill Testimony

God closed so many doors I was crying out to Him for everything in my life to change.  A friend put me in the carpet cleaning business where I was able to spend a lot of time alone with God. I realize now that God was breaking up the ground of my heart to receive the Word. I know now that to be “good soil” takes a brokenness to receive the Word and produce fruit. I am still learning how to receive His Word to produce the fruit needed. When God closed those doors I didn’t understand it, but He was telling me He wanted my total attention. I had good jobs at which I could make a lot of money, but different things kept coming up that changed my course. I applied for a scholarship at the River Bible Institute and I said to God if you want me here, I will go. I think it is the place of “Good soil”.


Rodney Howard Browne – Zach Testimony

I will never be the same again! What a revelation of the Word of God I have received here! I personally have been reconstructed and transformed by the Word of God. Soul winning is the greatest and working in the call center: WOW!!! Praise God, thank you Jesus. I have received a great revelation of the Word of God and seen much fruit in my life. I’m praying for others and seeing them saved, set free, healed and filled with mucho Joy. It must happen to you. All you have to do is yield to the Holy Spirit. When you hear a great message, get out of the boat and do it. There is no time to hold back. Just take the Word of God. And go, preach, teach and demonstrate. Thank you Jesus


Rodney Howard Browne – Kait T. Testimony

Wow!!  “This is only the beginning.” Is all I hear Him saying, and it’s overwhelming something I can’t even fathom, His love, His purpose, His dreams, and His vision for me. I have found myself at His feet multiple times since being here at River Bible Institute. I don’t even know how to explain the pure love I feel for the first time. I do know though, it’s real, without a doubt and like nothing I have ever felt, a deep intimate love of a Father, for me. He is restoring our relationship and my heart, showing me He was close to me through it all. I’ve just never ever felt so worthy and loved. I am more than enough, I am pure in Him.

Since here I have been living by complete Faith and it is exciting, just learning and allowing Him to be my all I depend on, my provider. I am in awe. I’m having trouble just explaining this feeling in my heart, even as I type this, but I just know it’s Him (the fire of God). God is relentless, and when He wanted all of me, He wanted every part of my life. And when I said yes, to the call, and got on a plane in complete faith, in my spirit I felt Him saying “Kaitlyn, you better get ready! Cause I’m about to move in your life.” I just see and feel Him shifting my life back in alignment with His. He knew what I was getting into! Hahaa, and I can’t stop saying YES, and expecting!!

It’s no longer my watch I run on; I’m on God’s time. It’s unbelievable, I love it!! I can’t help but anticipate more of His goodness and all He has for me this year at RBI. I am privileged and blessed. I wasn’t thrown up on the shelf and put there to do nothing. No!! He never lets me go, so where He goes, I go. I was made to GO!!! He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (Mark 16:15) So, my pursuit is to be led and used by Him. I don’t want just a day more, or a week more, NO! More is my eternal life; more is my existence here on earth. More is my heart.

The kingdom of Heaven is near. I don’t want to think that God does great, I want to know, I want to taste, I want to see. I want to live it out. It’s Him burning in my heart, and giving me a desperation I can’t shake, or run from for it is a love I can’t imagine my life without. This has brought me to a place of seeking after His word and the secret place, such deep intimacy with my Creator and my King, My Abba, Daddy. I want to hear and know His voice, without question. And can’t wait to be taught, and built up into the mighty women of God He has called me to be……

Rodney Howard Browne – David R. Testimony

The lord has been so good it’s been three weeks in the revival. God has been touching and revealing things to me. I had a stomach problem so bad that I had to go to the doctors. I had my mother, friends, and mentor praying for me. Because I could not keep my food in my stomach. So one day in service the lord put in my heart to take flaxseed. So when I did my stomach immediately cleared up. I tell you what you have to trust the Holy Spirit that lives within you. He will not let you down.

God has been showing me about getting right in the area of my finances. He’s been taking me from glory to glory. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher you can ever have. He does not condemn, he is understanding, and gentle. You can trust him with your life. He wants you to go from glory to glory. I’m a second year student and I tell you that these three weeks have been more powerful then the whole 1st year of RBI for me. God is really doing something big. In these times that were in it is crucial that you allow God to do the work in you.

The more he can do in you, the more he can do through you. So God has been taking things out of my life that I did know needed to be taking out of my life. Let God do the work, he knows what he is doing the meetings have been great, you have to stay teachable and not have an offence. Because it is very easy to get offensive but you just have to allow the Holy Spirit to do the work in you. We need to be effective outside of the four walls of the church. Jesus is so soon to come back, so let God do the work. Amen……

Rodney Howard Browne – Debbie D. Testimony

My Pastor moved to Florida in June 2010, I felt lost, my mom had just died and I wished I could have died with her.  One day I went to work and I did not want to be there anymore I was missing something, I was missing everything.  I lived in Illinois all my life with my daughter and grandbabies.  Something kept telling me to quit my job leave my babies and move to Florida.  Everyone thought I was crazy.  In a weird way, I thought I was crazy too. However, I was unhappy with everything I was doing except praising God.  I did not find peace until I started giving my stuff away.  I decided when I got to Florida I would help my pastor start their church.  I found a place to live right by my Pastor.

I didn’t have a job but I pulled down my 20 year pension and gave it away to everyone that ask me for some money or to buy them something.  I did not know how to say no.  I went to bible study paid tithes according to the money that I spent for bills and what I gave away.  God is so good……I turned on the TV and came across the Great Awakening and even though I had bible study with my Pastor every day I could not retain anything and it seemed as if the enemy would come and snatch it just as soon as I read it.  I became secluded and did not want to be around anyone, I thought because my mother was schizophrenic I would be too.  I had dreams I did not understand and visions that seem too real.  I had so much fear in me to talk to anyone other than job related.

Revival in Jacksonville

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