Rodney Howard Browne – Ebony H. Testimony

Bible school has already been life changing for me, and it’s only been 4 weeks. God has been moving in my life, changing me on the inside, and teaching me who he is. Attending bible school has been a dream, but due to my finances, it remained a dream. God moved and blessed me with a scholarship.

I attend the University of South Florida Full time as a senior, and I was going to use my financial aid to pay for my rent, food, etc while I attended bible school and USF. Previously, I was taking classes from USF online from my home in Orland. Two days before bible school began, I moved to Tampa. During the first week of bible school, I received the news from USF, that I would not be getting the financial Aid that was promised. They reduced everything. My first reaction was panic and worry. Horrible I know! I thought to myself, I have classes from sunup to sundown, first class starts at 9 everyday and I have classes that end at 6 p.m. some days and 10 p.m. other days. I needed a job, but one that would be willing to work around my schedule. I have exactly 15 hours free each week between classes and on Saturday. God provided a job that was flexible and willing to work with me.


Rodney Howard Browne – Victor O. Testimony

Dear pastor Rodney, first of all thank you so much for heeding the call of the spirit over such an extended period of time. You, your wife and family are examples in the kingdom of God! Thanks for serving, helping, pouring out, giving, loving, caring and showing God’s love in a practical, hands on way.

God has blessed the Oudhoff family a whole deal through what you have poured out/activated on my father and indeed our family. Ever since I was 8 years – back home we used to watch revival video’s with the laughing man in it, speaking a language that we as kids did not even understand – we used to watch it for hours on end – Drawn like a mob to a flame. Through it the ministry of Jubilee got birthed and the way of the spirit got ahold of us as a family. I for myself can mark the year when my life got changed through Gods involvement in our family life – when my father came back from business in the states and totally revolutionized the course of our heritage! God is faithful always, blessed be God most high for His perfect work!

While life got on in my 20’s I lost touch with God through condemning others and requiring perfectionism of myself through hard labor and strict discipline – which made me a depressed empty judging, all knowing guy . . . Very sad times.  While in church i started to fall away from God and got ahold of drinking beer and having fun with my friends – getting into alcohol addiction and foolishness. I just wanted to give it my all and get drunk with all of my might, expecting nothing else from my friends either.  We laught alot and did have fun. After doing this for quite a while ( 2 years) I started to think I could do life on my own and that I did not need God anymore – I said to God: God I put you on a shelf, I make my own life, I have got talent and charisma to be the best in the field of sales  and business.

That said, it was very hard from that day to think clearly and not worry and fret 🙁 I thought I just needed to get used to it, so I pushed.  –Victor O.

Rodney Howard Browne – Sirkku T. Testimony

The Lord has been so wonderful to us. He showed us a scripture when we were praying for direction for our life. It was Isa. 45:1-3. God told us we would do more than we can ever image and things that are impossible with man but in order for that we had to step into our high calling and live a supernatural life. That required total dependence and trust on Him.

We had such peace after we decided to come here and everything worked out great. We have been so blessed in every way since we landed here. God has provided everything very quickly for us and more. We have been given seed to sow and we have been able to sow and bless other people as well.

The very first day in bible school the Lord touched me with His fire and totally changed my level of trust in Him. This is what the Lord said ”You are safe here. I have put you under authority. I have set you apart. You will go to the next level.” He is doing a deep work inside of me concerning trusting only in Him.

We feel we are in place like never before. We rejoice every single day. The kids are also being blessed and are doing great. The Lord has touched them also. We know this is Gods way for us to the nations and to bring in more souls into eternity than we could ever dream of. That is what we live for.

I have got a new revelation since we came here of how I can press into the anointing. He has filled me with his fire and anointing over and over. God has given me a refreshed faith for miracles and I am expecting Him to move like never before. He has told me to shut the door to doubt and unbelief. There is only one way and that is Gods way. God is getting us ready to shake the nations, that vision has been strengthened in a supernatural way.

God has also touched me in the area of giving and I am sowing in faith and expecting a supernatural harvest. I do not want to hold back anything that the Lord asks of me. I have got a restored trust in Him in all the areas of life. He is my source and supply. Nothing else, no one else. I have experienced a new freedom in trusting Him……Sirkku T.


Rodney Howard Browne – Ruth N. Testimony

The Great Awakening tour at the The river Church and going throughout the world by television is gaining momentum.

Lives are being touched and changed on a day to day basis.  If certain individuals were interviewed, they would not find words to explain the presence of God they personally experienced is really like.  I’m honored to be a part under the ministry of Dr. Rodney Howard Browne as I see the lost found, hopelessness diffused by the love and true hope only found in the Person of the Holy Spirit.

I was Present during a Great Awakening meeting in Tampa, FL last night.  People were calling the phones for prayer desperate to be healed, for unsaved loved ones, for peace, to fill the emptiness in their heart with the person of Jesus Christ; not including many other requests. Over a short period of three hours, I prayed with 3 people to accept or recommit their lives to God, and another precious person for the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

My favorite call was a request for deliverance from the spirit of fear.  The lady had been being rent with fear the devil had been attacking her with relentlessly.  The woman was almost in tears as she felt so tormented and trapped in fear.

I told her i wanted to read some scriptures about fear in the Bible.  As we prayed, perfect Love penetrated this lady in her body and commanded fear to go in Jesus Name.  When finished, even her voice had changed. She said she felt the love of God and the peace of God had taken over.  Where the perfect love of God is, no fear can survive!!!!!! -Ruth N

Rodney Howard Browne – Andrew M. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

The highlight for this week was definitely the call center.  Before I logged in on the phone I really asked the Holy Spirit to teach me to let the anointing flow and after praying I was really excited in a way that only comes when your faith and expectation of the Holy Spirit moving is high.

The calls I received were great and I could really feel the hunger of the people.  One lady recommitted her heart to the Lord was baptized in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues and then the fire hit her and she didn’t know whether to laugh and cry…it was so awesome to see God touch this lady and it was such an honor to be part of it.  Another lady phoned for a touch of the fire and for healing from back, hip and neck pain. As I prayed that the fire of God would hit her from the top of her head to the sole of her feet she burst into tongues and I commanded healing over in the name of Jesus. After she settled down enough for me to get a word in I asked her what she was feeling and she said it was like electricity flowing through her. I asked her to do something she couldn’t do before and she said that she could bend over without pain so I just started praising God with her and loving every minute of it.

The third call that really stuck in my mind was a man who wanted prayer to stop loving his wife who he was separated from. I immediately when with the script and he recommitted his life to the Lord and then I told him that our God is a God of reconciliation and gave him some verses from the manual that he could speak out over his situation…I prayed for peace for him and for God to miraculously healthier marriage. I really felt like God touched him and that he hung up with peace and a new hope.

The final experience for the week was while was out soul winning and had a man begin to manifest as he approached us.  I felt broken hearted for the man but at the same time I was ecstatic to know that devil in him could sense the Spirit of God in me before I even opened my mouth. -Andrew M.

Rodney Howard Browne – Shani G. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Groups all over the map are becoming soul-saving stations. The greatest days of His outpouring are still to come. We need to carry the anointing to a lost and dying world. The anointing is voice activated.  We have the power to be a witness. We cannot have revival without the power.  Bible principles will bring Bible results.  We should not even be protesting. Protesting is no where seen in the Bible. In Cairo, Egypt there are over a quarter of a million people protesting.

What has that ever solved? This action is not biblical.  There is change only when the Gospel is preached.  When Jesus went out among the people, He did proclaim a protest, He proclaimed the Good News! We must be sharing the Gospel with everyone because our time is short. We have to have the boldness of God to preach to others. 

Not in a condescending way but allowing the Holy Spirit to convict.  Remember, we are preaching Good News, not bad news.  The Holy Spirit won’t do anything contrary to Scripture.  When we are out on the streets, we are preaching to people’s hearts and not their heads. Head knowledge will only take you but so far.  We must preach with the power of God. The power of God is what made Jesus stand out from the Pharisees and other religious people. –Shani G.

Rodney Howard Browne – Daniel P. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

God really put something inside of my heart, Sunday. He said. In one of Dr Rodney Howard Brown services. He said that I have to spend more time with Him, that I spend with me. Well,  I really felt this in my spirit. And I know, what God spoke to me. Now became reality. I start to spend more time with God. God starts to respond. I can see the change.

I can see how I’m change. I’m hungry for the things of God. I’m reading the Bible more then before. Let me tell you. I went to the streets today, and yesterday. I lead 54 people to Jesus. Using the scripture. So, every time you obey God, He starts to bless you. He really does, He does things that you can’t see with your natural eyes. –Daniel P.

Rodney Howard Browne – Nancy S. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

This week at the meetings of The Great Awakening Services.  I was on the phones at the call center. People from all over the world calling for prayer. People were getting saved, filled with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. Love ones calling for their unsaved loves ones. People were calling for healing in their bodies. People were senses the presence of God for the first time. There was a lady who called stated that she had pain in her stomach, after praying she started to praising the Lord.

I told her what happened, she said The Lord just heal me,  the pain is gone. She was praising the Lord saying Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus.  There were people calling from the central Florida area and wanted direction to come to the services. There was a gentleman who called and wanted to know when was the soul winning training times and days. There were so many people crying out and hungry for the things of God.  The Lord is touching people and transforming their life.-Nancy S.

Rodney Howard Browne – Jeff P. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

The Great Awakening is such a blessing to me and to the people that I speak to. I am amazed that when I speak to someone, whether in the grocery store or on the sidewalk, that they have no idea of how much God loves them. They have never been told about God’s wonderful plan for their lives. They have heard of a God who is ready to throw lightening bolts at them when they mess up. They have heard of a God who gives their Grandmother cancer so she can learn something.

They are so happy to hear about a God who loved them so much that He sent Jesus to teach us about God, and that died on the cross, in our place, so that we can have a great relationship with the Heavenly Father. They are surprised to hear that God wants to help them with ALL their problems in life. They may have heard that if you believe in Jesus that you ‘ll go to heaven when you die, but they have never heard of a God who wants to speak to you and will come to your rescue and help you to live a victorious life right here on the earth.  The people have no idea that the Bible is the word of God and that God gave us that standard, not to make life difficult for us or to take away our fun but to protect us from danger, death, and disease. They  think that the Bible is just a book. But it’s God’s word and there’s power in it when those words are spoken.

The people are surprised when I show them in the Bible that Jesus came to “save” them, not condemn them. They didn’t know that hell was not made for them. They admit that what they “know “about God they heard from someone else, and have not read the Bible for themselves,  and are surprised to see that they have been given wrong information about our Heavenly Father.

To these people, the joy of finding out that God loves them and wants to help them can be almost overwhelming. Sometimes they cry but most of the time their faces are beaming with peace and joy in knowing that they can stop worrying about the lightening bolts. They are grateful that someone told them the truth. Had we not gone to the streets with this news, they never would have heard it because they don’t go to church. However, that’s changing since they have heard the truth about what a wonderful God we serve. –Jeff P.

The Great Awakening services – Rodney Howard Browne

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

The Great Awakening services is so amazing. People don’t realize how big it is and how the History books are being written and how big of a foundation is being laid for so many ministries to come. You have to be part of it! Pastors is starting to soul winning! Churches is being changed and becoming   On fire for God, Day 5 of the Great Awakening services was so amazing, People was baptized in the Holy Ghost by the evidence of speaking in tongues  and we believe thousands of people was baptized on the network and CTN. So many people is going to pray the perfect will of God. People is getting healed and at free and people is coming back to their first Love! That’s Revival in America! The altar call is full every night! We are stepping into a bigger realm of God. I experienced the presence of God is so thick and tangible every night you just need to hungry and you just need to reach out for it, and Jesus will come and touch you! Right there where you are. I have been serving and God touches you even while you serve the Holy Spirit comes and minister to you that happened to me every night I attended.

The Phone Ministry WOW where to begin, I got calls all over America and people are so desperate for Jesus They don’t know They don’t know! We need to tell them, people are phoning  in for healing and they want to come back to their first love and so many people are getting saved over the phones! It is so awesome! People are getting baptized in the Holy Ghost and phoning in and giving testimonies how they started to soul win. What is happening is amazing you have to be part of it, and the reward of it all is we give ALL the Glory to God! –Eben G.

Revival in Jacksonville

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