Great Awakening Tour City #16 Chattanooga, Tennessee
Dear Rodney & Adonica, PRAISE THE LORD FOREVERMORE!! I was blessed to be a part of the Tennessee Great Awakening. As a bi-vocational pastor, I was not able to come out to witness every day. However, Tuesday was a breakthrough day for me. 18 souls were lead to Jesus through me and as I told you that Wednesday evening, I had only lead one person to Jesus in over 30 years of ministry. WELL, sowing & reaping…The last day of witnessing, (Saturday) I could only go out for one hour as our church in Ringgold, GA was reaching out to our neighborhood. We had a barbeque and about ten-twelve people showed up. My Neice brought her youngest son, Ryan, 11 years old, who came to Rhema Fellowship for the first time last Sunday, October 21st. During this week he became a Christian and wants to come to church every Sunday. Hallelujah! He was no where near the revival, but was affected none the less. This is just the tip of the iceberg and my faith is stretching WAY out there for hundreds to come into the kingdom in the coming months here in Ringgold. I am also invited to another pastors church in Alabama to pass along this witnessing script and I will keep you posted. God is moving so we must move as well. Love in Christ, Pastor Will
Pastor Will J
Ringgold Georgia United States